I am having a hard time these days. My preparation for MBA entrance exams is not going that well. My performance in the last two mock tests were poor. In the day time, I try to burnish my problem solving skills and make some changes happen. But still, I can't see any change. Have got an exam tomorrow. Let me see how I perform.
Yesterday afternoon, I was lying on the bed, with some similar thoughts in my mind. I knew that I was not going to make anything happen thinking, and doing nothing. Only a pragmatic approach could make a difference. Right then, my mobile rang. It was the regular news update. "Nobel prize for peace will be awarded to Mr. Obama" - It said..
I was totally surprised. That was really unexpected indeed. Especially, considering the fact that only twelve days were left for the nomination after Mr. Obama took charge as the president. It was highly improbable that he could contribute heavily for world peace within those twelve days.
I myself, saw the election of Mr. Obama as a good sign. He was a man with some good intentions. The public did have a heavy amount of hope on him. But, he has not been able to live up to all those expectations.
His promise of closing the Guantanamo has not been fulfilled yet. Most of the people from Yemen are still being detained there even though people from some other countries have been released. The problem is that Yemen does not have a good rehabilitation program and I don't think that it is a good enough reason for denying someone freedom. Mr. Obama has not done anything to solve the Palestine - Israel conflict. Solving it was also among his pre election promises.
The Nobel prize has given a very bad indication to the ordinary people. No one, including an American president should have been given such an award for simply talking about the action plans to sustain peace. This award seems more like "come on.. you can do what ever you talked about" sort of award. It is an encouragement for what he is supposed to do in the future rather than a recognition of what he has already done. And that was the worst way to give away this award..
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