I am angry. I am sad. And it's Vishu today. A very inappropriate day to be in a bad mood. But I think I have enough reasons.
I love Vishu! I always did. Much more than any other festival. During my childhood, all my relatives used to get together at my ancestral home, to celebrate Vishu. Each group of people would have their own departments to take care of. Me and my cousins would be in charge of the crackers. May be it's those memories that has made me love Vishu so much. Each and every year, I want to be back in my village and celebrate Vishu, the traditional way.
And where am I now? Bangalore. In my cousin's house. The more annoying fact is that my sister is back there in the village, celebrating Vishu, with a wonderful Vishukkani and all.*frown*
Now, if you are wondering what is the relevance of the dog's picture, I'll tell you.
Yesterday night, when I was going to sleep, I had certain plans in my mind. I thought that I would open my eyes in front of the idol of Lord Krishna. I wanted to have at least that much of a Vishukkani.
And what happened? Today morning, I woke up with a feeling of moisture on my face. When I opened my eyes, I saw the face of the bugger (whose picture you can see above) up close. He was licking my face. Yuk!! (It's my cousin's pet dog, Sandy.)
Idiot! What the hell have you done? You destroyed my Vishukkani! And I have told you a hundred times that I hate the smell of your saliva. Wouldn't have minded sharing your saliva if you were a beautiful girl. But you are not! bah!
What? Don't try to calm me down with that innocent look of yours. Looks can be very misleading. I, myself am an example of that.
How could you do that? huh? How could you? No wonder people call you a dog. Looking at my face, you felt that this is something worth licking? Oh.. fine. I do understand that it's your way of expressing love. But was it essential to lick my face? About 165 (I wish if I could say I80) centimetres away from that, my feet were there. Didn't you see those? Why didn't you lick it instead of my face? Oh.. leave that idea. Considering the kind of idiot that you are, you would have done that with your ass pointing towards my face and that would have been my Vishukkani. Perfect!
Come on.. To whom am I telling all these? You don't read my blog do you? But I got to give vent to my anger somehow. Try reading my blog sometimes Sandy. Too many human beings don't read it anyways.
Ok.. ok.. no fights over that. You are a very adorable dog. But, only when you are not licking my face.
Happy Vishu folks! Hope you all had a wonderful Vishukkani!!
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