Just completed watching the hindi movie "Stone man murders". Movie was based on the serial killings that took place in Mumbai in 1983. Pretty good movie, I think. Whenever there is a bit of reality involved in a movie, it makes the movie highly interesting. I have always loved true stories. But unfortunately Indian, especially south Indian movies rarely discuss anything related to truth. Instead, they show the hero defeating one hundred armed men with bare hand, heroine dancing wearing the minimum amount of cloth possible etc. Malayalam movies used to have much more believable sort of stories but these days, things have grown worse.
The number of movies that I am watching has gone enormously down. And the reason is nothing but prison break, the series. I used to recommend movies insted of series. According to me, these TV series were mere waste of time. (As if movies aren't... hehe) But all that changed as soon as I started watching Prison break. Season one is damn good, much better than any other thriller movie I have ever seen. It always keeps us intrigued. Now am into season two, which also looks good.
Watching Prison break was my most prominent activity for the last one week. I didn't even read the news paper properly. Didn't attend most of the classes also. (Am always looking for a reason to cut classes). I think this PB has made me very lazy. Not that I haven't been lazy before. But nowadays it's hitting a high that's all. Everyday I watch PB till 1 in the night and the next day, I wake up around 9. Now I have decided to watch only 2 episodes per day so that I wil have time for other activities also.
Hmmmm....One fine day you ll fed up with Prison Break too my dear...Of course, by that time you ll find out another movie or series....
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